Updates From Google ~ Everything in Online Marketing - PPC, Adwords, Analytics, Google, Yahoo & More

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Updates From Google

A few updates from Google

Now the quality score will be calculated at the time of each search query
So according to Google the quality score will be more accurate

There will not be any keywords which are marked as “Inactive for Search” because now they are evaluated for every relevant query

No more minimum bids. This will be replaced by “First page bid estimates”.
But I have seen KWs which are bidding Rs 60 and at avg pos of 3.5 with a comment First page bid estimate is Rs 207. Is it a foul play by Google?
No AdWords report will give this data. We have to go through each KW.

1 comment:

Savitur said...

may google get as complicated as they can.. only then your job is secure.. The moment everything is simple you will loose your job.. A computer will do all that you are doing