Google AdWords: Different Ad Types ~ Everything in Online Marketing - PPC, Adwords, Analytics, Google, Yahoo & More

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google AdWords: Different Ad Types


Text Ads
Google text ads are four lines of text:
A title of 25 characters, two lines of ad text with 35 characters each and a URL line. This format of text ads may differ on partner sites. For example, your ad text may appear on a single line.

Image ads
Images ads are just graphical AdWords ads. It will appear on select content sites in the Google network. Unlike traditional online graphical ads, image ads can be matched to a page's content.

Video ads
Video ads also appear on content sites in the Google network, but they are user-initiated. A user must click "play" to watch your ad. Think of video ads as a type of commercial on the Internet.

Mobile ads
Mobile ads appear on mobile websites as texts or images and direct users to your mobile website. Mobile text ads can also appear when users search Google from a mobile device. You need to have a mobile web site to run a mobile ad.


TV ads
Through your AdWords account, you can launch even a TV campaign. This is available to advertisers located only in the United States and billed in U.S. dollars.

Print ads
Now you can place your ads in newspapers across the United States using Google AdWords. You can choose from more than 750 newspapers, and set a price that matches your budget..

Audio ads
You can even broadcast your message on over 1,600 radio stations across the U.S. It is just like traditional radio commercials. But if you do it through AdWords, it is easier to buy and manage. This is also available for advertisers located in US.

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