AdWords:- Search & Content Statistics ~ Everything in Online Marketing - PPC, Adwords, Analytics, Google, Yahoo & More

Saturday, September 6, 2008

AdWords:- Search & Content Statistics

CR and CTR are not comparable between the search network and content network because users browsing content approach ads differently than users searching for a particular topic. So Google use smart pricing to protect advertiser ROI by automatically adjusting the cost of a contextually-targeted content network click based on its effectiveness compared to a search click.
As Search and Content network statistics can differ, looking into aggregate statistics for a particular campaign running on both the networks may not give you the exact performance of your account.

Now Google has made necessary changes in the interface, where you can see the performance of your search & content networks separately.

This option is already available in Yahoo Search Marketing.

In Google, now we have a “Statistics” drop down menu lets you to change your view to see search and content network statistics in individual rows for each of your campaigns

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