Landing Page Optimization ~ Everything in Online Marketing - PPC, Adwords, Analytics, Google, Yahoo & More

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Landing Page Optimization

How to optimize landing pages ?
1. Measure the performance of the landing pages
2. Perform an A/B split test
3. Identify what worked and what didn’t
4. Add/Subtract test elements (refer slide#13) from the landing page based on results

A/B split testing :
1. Create two Landing Pages with just one differentiating variable (variables discussed in detail ahead)
2. Send equal traffic to both versions
3. Run the test for a period of time (say 4 weeks)
4. Choose a winner based on a higher ratio of conversions or quality of leads
5. Now add/subtract another variable to the Landing Page and follow the above cycle till the best combination of the tested variables is achieved

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